Essentials to Beeing a Great Writer that Most Wordsmiths recommend


What Great Writers are Made Of ?

What does it take to be a great writer? What’s the secret? If you’re looking for an inspiration, here’s a quick guide on how to become a prolific and good in your craft.

You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club.” Jack London

“When writing, inspiration can be scarce, or often, will never show up. Writer’s block is common among great authors, even to those prolific ones. It can be draining to force yourself spit out words. Indeed, a blank paper can be a nightmare when your brain just doesn’t cooperate. Although this can be exhausting, there’s really nothing wrong about it. Instead of worrying, give yourself a break. So, when the writing muse will show up, break a leg and write as much as you can. Some authors even follow a strict schedule or a writing habit to reinforce themselves to write more. Again, this one tip of writing well is just a pebble among the stones you have to step on for your literary journey.”

(Saying taken from 1905 essay, “Getting Into Print”)

No tears in the writer, no tears in the reader. No surprise in the writer, no surprise in the reader.” Robert Frost

As a writer, how do you stir your reader’s emotion? Great writers know how to use words for a powerful message or story. You have to put yourself into your reader’s shoes and understand how they react with every word you’ve woven. Channel your emotions and feelings through building words. Words are all you have, and you have to convince your readers that your book will shake their beliefs, create tension, or promote values.

Robert Frost is one of the most beloved American poets and also a four-time Pulitzer Prize winner.

If you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot.” Stephen King

It’s necessary to be a voracious reader when you want to be a better writer. Reading a lot of books will surely enhance your writing skills. Besides, you get to learn from the masters on how they write, their choice of words, grammar, and even expanding your vocabulary. So, read as many writings as you can as it is one of the foundations of being a great writer. Read books that you love to enhance your writing skills.

Stephen King has authored more than 50 books and has sold more than 350 million copies. Most of his books are adapted into films, tv series, and comic books. Overall, he has earned over $17 million out his works.

Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.” Oscar Wilde

According to Oscar Wilde, “They are always asking a writer why he does not write like somebody else…quite oblivious of the fact that if [he] did anything of the kind he would cease to be an artist.”

Write a story that captivates your readers. Don’t stick on the typical, dull plot that has already been written. If you want to succeed as a writer, make sure your story stands out among other pile of books. If you ran out of ideas, write and write until your head hurts. Sometimes, writing needs constant practice to master the craft of storytelling. Try writing every day, even if it’s only an hour, as long as you exercise your imagination. There’s a lot of techniques in writing, but a disciplined and rigid writing routine tops it all.

Oscar Wilde was one of the most renowned playwrights in London. An Irish poet and novelist who is most known for his book, The Picture of Dorian Gray.

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” Ernest Hemingway

Another great technique in writing is to write without thinking about the technical stuff. You have to never concern yourself yet with the words you use, grammar, structure, and such. Focus on your free-flowing ideas first, and leave the editing part later. Jot down those thoughts so it won’t just fade away. There’s always a draft in every masterpiece. The first draft doesn’t have to be perfect, and creating a story should be a gradual process. Some craft in a methodical way; while some write whatever comes in their mind then edit the piece later.

One of the great American 20th century writers, Ernest Hemmingway, is known for his novels such as The Old Man and the Sea and A Farewell to Arms.

Never use a foreign phrase, a scientific word, or a jargon word if you can think of an everyday English equivalent.” George Orwell

Fancy words will only confuse your readers. As much as possible, make it simple and clear. Make sure your ideas are organized with unity and coherence. Avoid unfathomable words if you want your readers to enjoy your story without giving them the trouble to find that twenty-dollar word. As a writer, you must know the time when to put these words into display, and when to just keep them—it’s all about timing and a reliable ear to follow. So, learn when to omit or retain and your story will sound good.

As Orwell put it, “If you simplify your English, you are freed from the worst follies of orthodoxy.”

Don’t tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass.” Anton Chekhov

Show, don’t tell” is one of the most important writing techniques used by many authors. Using figures of speech, stirring your reader’s imagination, and giving them space to imagine are what makes your work interesting to read. Avoid creating a lifeless and unexciting narration that will bore the hell out of your readers. You need to create vivid scenes, pulsing with life and excitement. Nonetheless, never overdo it or else you’ll sound like you’re trying hard. Keep it natural yet unique.

For instance, here’s how Stephen King describes High school in his book Carrie:

“High school is hell; the further down the ladder you are, the more like Hell it becomes. For kids like Carrie, it’s really like the ninth circle of Hell.”

Anton Chekhov, is a Russian short story writer, who was considered to be one of the greatest writers of inspirational short stories in history.

Don’t take anyone’s writing advice too seriously.” Lev Grossman

It’s true that there are tons of writing tips you’ve heard of, from author websites, forums, blogs, and more, but it still all boils down to you. Whatever technique you’re going to develop, you should learn not to conform with one style. Afterall, it’s your writing and you must experiment with the technique that will work best for you. Stop copying and start being yourself. Writing is a personal quest, and its effectiveness entirely depends in your honesty. But don’t forget with the rudiments of good writing.


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